Search engines use programs called “crawlers”, these crawlers visit every page they find on your website and extract data from your web pages. This data is stored in the search engines database for later retrieval.
When you perform a search on a search engine, it returns results from its database. So if your site is not in the search engine database, you won’t appear in search results.
If you have any underlying technical issues with your site, this can hinder a search engines ability to crawl your site.
Every site is built differently, ensuring a site is built that is technically sound from an SEO perspective is very different to building a site with a slick front end for users.
Alongside the crawlability of your website, the way your site is coded is also important, so is the speed and various other things that can be configured in your source code.
Technical SEO underpins all areas of SEO, if an underlying technical issue exists, this can cause serious problems with the websites’ ability to rank.